Score Big with Low Cost Franchises

If you’ve ever heard you have to pay lots of money to make money, you’ve heard wrong. A variety of low cost franchises are available for you to invest in. Many are well-known and established, which means they already have solid business plans that are proven to be successful. You can be your own boss for a minimum investment by becoming a franchisor.

The Honey Do Service

The home improvement industry is one that makes billions of dollars each year. You can grab a piece of that pie by investing in The Honey Do Service franchise. This company supplies homeowners with professional home improvement specialists who will complete the job in a courteous and quality way.

Don’t worry if you don’t possess any home improvement skills; as an investor in this franchise it is your responsibility to run the business – not perform the services. The team of handymen you hire is responsible for that.

Franchisors are given all of the tools and resources they need to become successful. You will receive training, and also earn your general contractor’s license. Additionally, you’ll learn about bookkeeping and estimating.

The Honey Do Service provides customers with a variety of different services, often including plumbing, carpentry and tile work. Our handymen drive professional-looking vans and wear uniforms. Customers often come back because of the high-quality and professional work we provide.

Become your own boss and earn a profitable income for a minimal investment by becoming a part of this franchise.

ActionCOACH Business Coaching

Do you like to interact with others? Is your idea of a dream job one that allows you to inspire others to improve themselves? If so, investing in ActionCOACH Business Coaching may be for you.

Created in 1993, ActionCOACH Business Coaching provides small to medium-sized businesses with information and tools that can help their companies improve. This franchise offers tips and tools to help the company’s marketing, sales, management, goal setting and more.

As an investor, you will likely conduct seminars, meet with potential clients, coach businesses over the phone, conduct training seminars and perform other enriching tasks. You are an integral part of the business and are totally hands-on.

You will learn the ins and outs of ActionCOACH Business Coaching’s vision and 14 Points of Culture. You will also continue your education by reading, attending seminars and workshops and speaking with others online. You’ll be able to inspire other business people with your knowledge and will be prepared to help them in a variety of ways.

Outgoing business people are encouraged to invest in this low cost franchise.

Kwicksilver Systems

Vehicle repairs are often expensive, particularly when it comes to the wheels. Buying a rim to replace one that is bent can cost a few hundred dollars. In a sluggish economy, many drivers are looking for alternatives to this costly purchase.

Kwicksilver Systems provides that option by repairing rims so that drivers don’t have to replace theirs. Using patented machinery and repair methods, along with proprietary systems, technicians are able to have vehicles on the road in no time for a fraction of the cost of replacing rims.

For a minimum investment, you could become a franchisor of this successful automotive repair franchise and make a good living doing so.

Low cost franchises are available for you to invest. Take advantage of this opportunity today.