Owning A Senior Targeted Franchise Is A Good Bet

Whether you’re in the healthcare field or an entrepreneur interested in owning a franchise, you may want to look into senior care business. A senior care franchise isn’t a nursing home facility or an assisted living facility. So, you’re not investing in long-term institutionalized care of seniors that requires a large nursing or medical staff. Instead, the franchise allows you to take care of seniors in their own homes.

This type of business is a hybrid between a maid service and personal care service, but it focuses on seniors instead of the general public.

Types of Senior Care Franchises Available

Senior care is a broad term which works in a franchisee’s favor. For instance, as a franchisee you can customize medical and non-medical services based on the type of help you want to offer. Typically, some franchises offer cleaning services such as repair, maintenance and yard work. Other franchises provide services that a home health aide would such as personal care, medication reminders and running errands.

Why a Senior Franchise is a Good Investment

The Baby Boomer generation, the largest in US history, is reaching the age of 65 years old and older. Many of them aren’t interested in trading their active lifestyle or the way want to live their retired lives and sitting in rocking chairs. Even homebound seniors aren’t interested in just “existing” in nursing homes.

Senior franchises, therefore, fills a niche in senior care. Seniors can continue to live in their homes and have your senior care staff visit them to help with medical and non-medical needs.
Also, senior franchises are a good investment because it eliminates the worries and burdens family members have when taking care of their seniors. For instance, assisted living facilities and nursing homes can be expensive or they know that their parents don’t want nursing home living. Typically, family members try to defer that cost by doing the work themselves. With your senior franchise there to help family members, they won’t have to become overwhelmed with their mothers or fathers medical and non-medical needs.

Also, insurance companies, PPO and government agencies are looking for less expensive ways to pay for seniors’ care. That’s why senior care provides a better option than traditional nursing home care.

Thinking about a Senior Caretaker Franchise?

Starting a senior franchise typically requires an initial investment. The investment may or may not include other fees associated with starting the business. One advantage about starting a senior franchise over a restaurant, nursing home or health club is the initial investment may be lower than you expect. For example, some senior care franchises require only $20,000 or less.

As with all franchises, a senior caretaker business takes some research and investigation before investing your money. So decide what type of senior franchise you want. Investigate the current client market where you want to start your franchise. Also, ask senior franchisers questions to make sure they franchise fits your business goals. After all, you want your senior franchise to grow and become a successful business.