Franchises Let You Be Your Own Boss

Owning a franchise of any kind is a great business opportunity. Escape the daily grind of working for someone else and become your own boss. You won’t have to answer to rules from upper management or compromise your values for another company’s profit.

Invest in yourself instead in a company where someone else is the boss. Having control over your own franchise means you can make business decisions. The hours you put in are an investment for your business and your family’s future. You can even involve family members in the business if you desire.

There is a turn-key franchise available for every budget. Choose from a wide range of buy-in costs, from thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. You do not need to lease large office or retail space for every franchise; in fact, some franchise opportunities have low operating costs. This is because they are mobile operations or businesses that can be run from home. These types of franchise opportunities save a substantial amount of payroll costs because they do not require a large staff. If you enjoy working independently, you can operate a small mobile franchise on a part-time or full-time basis with low overhead. Good examples of these are mobile food franchises and mobile car washing services.

Setting your own hours and schedule is one of the biggest benefits of being your own boss. Do you have childcare, eldercare, or other daily obligations? Do you have a need to work seasonally or part-time? A franchise allows you to balance work and family life without asking permission to take time off from an unwilling boss.

Franchises are also flexible. Being your own boss means you get to make the decision about when, where and how to grow your business. This flexibility is critical in changing economic times. You can expand your business as needed to multiple locations or a larger service area when demand exists. When the economy takes a downturn, you can close or reduce hours of operation on locations that aren’t performing well, or reduce your service area. In the corporate world, when downsizing happens, you get laid off. When you are in business for yourself, you have more options available to remain employed.

55 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with their jobs. Are you one of them? Being your own boss also means you can choose a business you are passionate about. Imagine waking up every day and being excited to go to work. Stop clock-watching and counting the days until vacation or retirement. When you find a career, and not just a job, you will be excited to work. You will get tremendous job satisfaction out of helping build your community into a better place and provide a needed service that helps others.

Franchise opportunities allow you to work and meet the everyday needs of life. Take control of your own destiny and make business decisions yourself. Decide when to expand and grow the franchise and when to reduce operations to meet economic demand. Set your own schedule and be confident knowing the hours you work are an investment in your family’s future.