Franchise Management Tips: Hiring Your First Employees

Who you hire is an essential part of what your business does and how well it does it. Unless your business is a one-person operation, you will need franchise management tips to ensure that those you hire will bring something positive to your business instead of taking away from it. With these franchise management tips, you will be able to better assess the best candidates for each job from the pile of applicants who want each position.

Consider Background Checks

One of the most useful ways to screen new employees is to conduct some form of background check before hiring them. If you have special work responsibilities such as caring for children or the elderly in store for employees, there are a number of background checks that you may want to conduct to ensure that nothing goes wrong. If you don’t have that need, then a basic, general criminal background check may be useful for weeding out some applicants.

If you don’t want to conduct those checks, it is still wise to call at least one or two references to make sure that the application presented to you is accurate. You may also want to talk with the references simply about the type of person that applicant is and ask whether they have ever had any problems with the applicant in the past. For weeding out employees that might be more trouble than they are worth, this is one of the most useful franchise management tips.

Hire for Specific Skills

Any job, no matter how unskilled it may seem, has a set of skills that goes with it. To make sure that the people you hire will be able to handle their tasks effectively, break each job down into the tasks that it requires. An unskilled job such as a cashier or a stock person will mean having a skill set such as operating complex machines or using office equipment that are necessary in the course of the job.

An employee without those skills may be able to gain them during employee training. Whether you want to wait for those skills to be developed or whether you want your employees to be able to hit the ground ready to work on their first days will be up to your own preferences.

Let Potential Employees Know What You Expect

One of the most important franchise management tips is to be up front with prospective employees. If you demand punctuality, an adherence to schedules or anything else that may be difficult for some employees to provide you with, let them know up front. You may find that a prospective hire finds your expectations too much to handle. If that’s the case, this gives that applicant a way to save both of your some time that would be wasted on an arrangement that wouldn’t work out.

Of all of the franchise management tips, this one may be the one that can be hardest to implement during interviews. If an applicant is likable, you may not want to scare them away, but this can help save both of you from a frustrating experience.