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Business Type
FranchiseMin Liquid Capital
$75,000Total Investment
$109,000 to $209,000Number of Units
92In Business Since
1989* For Current Info See:
Franchise Disclosure Document

LearningRx is one of the top educational and child franchises in the nation. We change lives every day through the incredible power of brain training! Our programs are designed to target weak cognitive skills and help anyone from age 4 to 94 to achieve guaranteed results. Our goal is to ensure that people of all ages can receive the help they need to train their brains, get smarter, and be successful in life. Our franchises are owned and operated by individuals from all over the professional spectrum, from audiologists to psycholgists; from entrepreneurs to moms and dads with kids of their own.
Products & Services

LearningRx learning centers answer the challenge of this unique time in our educational history by providing some of the most effective learning and reading training in the nation. It packages this proven training in a strongly supported learning center franchise opportunity. This offers you, the potential franchisee, an unmatched opportunity for freedom, significance, and satisfaction.
Our proprietary products, ThinkRx Pro, Partner, and Directed, as well as Lift-Off (for pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade), strengthen specific underlying mental skills to make learning easier, faster, and better for students of all ages. In this critical field of cognitive training, LearningRx has no significant direct commercial competition.
ReadRx builds lasting reading and spelling skills at a pace that is unmatched by any other program.
Our results are unmatched! Students improve by a factor of 12. Students average astounding skill gains of 12 months for each month of training. These gains allow the LearningRx center to actually guarantee gains in learning and reading. This is a tremendous competitive advantage against others in the education industry.
Training & Support

LearningRx provides comprehensive initial training. Come rested, with an open mind. Absorb and make the commitment to follow the plan.
Benefit from Quality Research & Development
Most small business owners are just too busy making money to research the future trends in the industry and develop new products or services to meet the needs of their customers. A franchisor will always be searching for ways to make its network more successful. We spend over 25% of our time on product and service development and research.
Gain Access to Trained Support Personnel
Your royalties and advertising fees provide regular improvements in the franchisor's systems and these are provided to you for implementation in your venture. Just as our student results are unmatched, you'll find our support and devotion to assist you is also unmatched.
Quicker Start-Up Than Independents
A proven plan out paces an independent's hit & miss operation almost every time. Looking at just independents that succeed--you'll find that franchises grow quicker, reach break-even sooner and succeed more regularly than others in the same industry.
Why Learning RX?
There are many reasons. Most revolve around the increased probability that the business will succeed and provide profits to the owner in a shorter time frame than an independent business. This allows the owner to address her/his personal goals both financially and personally. We would add that only through a LearningRx Franchise are the unique, unmatched, and most effective products of its kind available - which gives each franchisee an important advantage over any competitor.
Lower Costs Than an Existing Business
When buying an existing company, you will usually pay the seller 2.5 to 3.5 times its earnings. Starting a franchise is almost always less expensive. Estimated start-up costs, including the franchise fee, for a LearningRx Center range from $95K to $125K.
Less Risk Than an Independent Start-Up
Napoleon Hill, in his classic book "Think & Grow Rich" suggests that one spend 3 to 5 years as an apprentice in an industry before considering owning a venture in that field. Buying a franchise eliminates this need and puts you on the road to success quickly. Compare the first year income between those who licensed only our product in the past versus a franchisee who licenses both our product and business systems.
Gain Advice on Site Selection, Unit Design, Operations, Capitalization and Marketing
A good franchisor provides instruction and support on ALL aspects of running a business in its industry. It's as though you are hired and trained to open a branch for a major national company--Except that you OWN the "branch". LearningRx provides support on all aspects of running a business.
Receive a Proven, Profitable System for Doing Business
When you've had a chance to talk to other franchisees, you'll recognize how important it is to have a system to follow for your venture. A plan is easily worth $100,000 or more. Luckily, franchisors typically charge half that for an initial fee (similar to a down payment) and then receive a percentage of sales as an ongoing royalty for the use of their name and business system. These are good investments in return for the improved probability of success; the quicker sales growth curve; the research and development of future products and services offered by the franchisor; and the business plan.
Are You a Good Fit for LearningRx?

People who want to make a difference in the community
Successful franchisees come from all walks of life. All LearningRx franchisees share a common satisfaction in succeeding in business while genuinely bringing hope to struggling students. Each franchisee will undergo a rigorous training session (much of it one-on-one) in Colorado Springs, plus an additional week of training for them and selected staff members at the newly opened center. They will be involved in hands-on training of every aspect of starting and running a LearningRx training center. The training programs are self-contained, and can be applied to a wide variety of learning needs. Extensive help is provided in staffing guidance, marketing, finance, and business management in our proprietary systems. After startup, the ongoing relationship between the franchisee and LearningRx Franchise Corporation remains close, dynamic, and helpful.
People who live near students who need help
Over a third of America's fourth graders cannot read well enough to understand and complete normal grade-level school work (from studies conducted by the National Assessment Governing Board, 2000). That includes students where you live. Adults from all walks of life are looking for an edge to advance in life and career. LearningRx meets the needs of this whole spectrum of students. Territories are fully protected. Marketing is monitored and leveraged in your area to provide the maximum impact for your local franchise. Support materials are available, and more are being developed all the time, to help you get your message out to the community.
People who believe in the "good" a good business can produce
LearningRx candidates must be business oriented individuals with good people skills, and a passion to help others. You must be committed to building a successful business that serves a vital need in your community. A psychology or education background could be helpful but is not required. People are your focus. You must be able to identify and support a caring staff. You will become a trusted authority in the lives of families as they seek to help their child succeed at learning. You must be an encourager, because many of those you serve will come to you discouraged with the past failures. The good news is this: you will deliver a product and service that really can transform the lives they care about.
The approximate cost to open a LearningRx Center is $80,000 for up to a 100,000 population area, $125,000 for a 100,000 to 200,000 population area, or more if multiple units or developmental area are involved.